Metareasoning in Subjective Decisions
Throughout our lives, we make thousands of subjective decisions. But how do we make these decisions? Do we even know? In this project, I explore the ways in which decision makers think about the cognitive processes underlying their subjective decisions.
Large Language Model Metacognition
Large Language Models (LLMs) can answer almost any question you ask. But can they reflect on how they generate their answers? In this project, I use a variety of experimental paradigms to evaluate the metacognitive capacities of LLMs.
Psychology of Optional Disclosure
In a competitive context, should you share optional information about yourself? In this project, I explore how individuals decide whether or not to disclose information about themselves and the inferences that others make when information is omitted.
Gifted Students' Psychological Well-Being
How can we best support gifted kids? In this project, I evaluate the impact of different forms of gifted programming (e.g., cluster classes, pull-out classes) and the COVID-19 pandemic on gifted students' psychological well-being
LLMs for Collaborative Learning
Educators often think of LLMs as nuisances to be avoided - but can they be used to improve student learning? In this project, we test a new intervention using LLMs as collaborative learning partners to improve students' argumentative writing skills.
The (Opportunity) Cost of Growth Mindset
Growth mindsets are typically good - but can they lead to overpersistence? In this project, I explore whether participants who are high in Growth Mindset persist for too long on tasks for which opportunity costs are high and persistence is suboptimal.